維生素多種維生素-Flora, 多元維生素膠囊,120粒植物膠囊
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- Vitamins & Minerals
- An Iron-Free Multivitamin & Mineral Formula
- Easy-to-Digest
- Gluten-Free
- Vegetarian
- Dietary Supplement
Helps to maintain healthy eyesight, skin, proper muscle function, and immune health.
A Daily Iron-Free Multivitamin,
Because of poor eating habits, daily stress, and the average modern diet that consists of too many nutrient-depleted processed foods, it is wise to supplement with Flora Multi-Vits on a daily basis.
Easy to absorb, Flora Multi-Vits are designed to meet current vitamin and mineral recommendations and ensure availability of nutrients. Flora's Multi-Vits are an excellent source of vitamin C, D3, E, and B vitamins as well as iodine and zinc; also a good source of vitamin A. The formula is iron-free, making it ideal for both men and women, and so avoiding any absorption conflicts between minerals and vitamins. Support your overall health with Flora's Multi-Vits.
Flora, 多元維生素膠囊,120粒植物膠囊
